Thursday, August 20, 2009

Vendors we are sweet on....

We have some amazing vendors that we absolutely love in the Gainesville area. Every Thursday we will be blogging on an interview we will be having with our favorite vendors! We decided we would start the first one with a Bang! Powers Photography!

Little Bit About The Duo: Susan and Stewart Powers own Powers Photography. They have known each other since high school, where they both graduated from P.K. Young. He worked for the news bureau in college as a photographer. They never dated in high school but ran into each other after they both returned to Gainesville. “Bells and whistles went off,” laughed Susan as she explained the first time they saw each other again. They started photographing just for fun. When their daughter Kristen (now 28) was born, they decided that they would focus on photography as a business. They started with just a couple weddings, which turned into 20, which turned into 50 and now it is something they enoy everyday. Below are some simple and fun questions we asked the lovely Susan.

What is your inspiration/Where do you get ideas for shoots?:
“We are always looking at fashion magazines and contemporary art,” Susan explained. Keeping up with current media is also something they do for inspiration. Susan explained how something as simple as, MTV can inspire a lot of new ideas, with music videos, commericials, etc. She also told me that Stewart also gets a lot of new ideas from ads in Rolling Stone.

Do you prefer black and white or color photos?:
They really don't have a preference one way or the other. “Some pictures lend themselves to black and white, while others work better with color or brown undertones,” explained Susan. The colors of the wedding definitly push them one way or the other. “Pictures are like children on a playground, some colors play well together and others do not,” Susan laughed as she told me about a project they are currently working on.

Weddings vs portraits: Over the years they have developed clientel for both portraits and weddings. The Powers philosophy on weddings is that weddings lead to other weddings. Susan explained a really cool situation, “ We have photographed brides that we did their parents wedding as well, it it crazy how much photography has changed over the last 30 years!”

Farthest shoot travel: Powers has shot in spain, england, west indies, mexico and everything in between. Their favorite place is the carribean, “ It just can't be beat”laughed Susan. They have been many times to shoot weddings and enjoy the island feel. They actually had the chance to elope with a client to do their wedding shoot. They were very blessed to be able to stay in an awesome resort and spend a lot of time with them.

Random Powers fact:
Susan is a professional pyrotechnician and absolutely loves it! She did 7 shows this past 4th of July weekend.
Stewart loves fishing. He has loved fishing since he was a child.

Powers just celebrated their Anniversary for their 1st Wedding they ever shot together, which was 33 years ago!

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Top 10 Advice on finding the DRESS!

  • Number One Rule: Be open minded! What you think reminds you of your grandmother's dress on the hanger, may in fact be the dress of your dreams.
  • Bring someone that knows your style better than their own. I'm sure the groom doesn't want to see you in something that your bestfriend would wear on her wedding day
  • DON'T PURCHASE YOUR DRESS ONLINE! You miss out on the whole experience.
  • Don't worry what the groom will think. If he loves you, he will love what you pick.
  • Have fun! Remember that you have been dreaming of this day since you were five. Don't let the decision put a cloud over your head
  • If you hate the little bow on the dress, ask the consultant if you can order it Chances are you can. Keep in mind (contrary to what the magazines always say) there might be a charge for it. It won't lower the cost of the dress.
  • Price vs. Love: If you love the dress, GO FOR IT! Don't settle for less on what your wearing for your big day. You can always take some of the budget from the centerpieces and so on. No one will know and we won't tell.
  • Research designers online and make a scrap book of styles that you like. Do keep in mind, that it may all change when you start trying on.
  • Save the group shopping for the mall. This should be a personal experience that you should only share with one or two.
  • When you find it, you find it. Don't second guess yourself or you will pick your second favorite.